Tuesday, February 15, 2011

making whoopie

pies that is.

a whoopie pie mix was in my gift box of goodies from texas, so i made them yesterday in celebration of valentine's day. i haven't actually eaten one yet (although it doesn't matter at this point because i've achieved maximum density anyway). jeff said they were awesome.

we stayed home for valentine's dinner because none of the restaurants were serving alcohol (not that we have to have it); and the rule is no restaurants except those in hotels serve alcohol anyway. but there was an alcohol ban in the city yesterday because today is the prophet's birthday. however, the city is serving alcohol today - makes perfect sense. and they 'moved' the prophet's birthday to thursday anyway so that workers could have a 3 day weekend. just one of the completely weird things here in a.d. -- like the washer/dryer combo thing (yes, i'm still b*tching about that). we actually completely broke the first washer/dryer, so they brought us a different one on sunday. but they probably pulled this one from the junk heap as it broke on the 2nd day. plus it doesn't really dry the clothes so much as makes them steaming hot but still soaking wet.

i'm stuck at home most of the day today waiting on barclay's bank to deliver my debit card (finally). to kill time, i'm making coque au vin. i've never made it before, so hopefully it won't suck.

thursday, jeff and i are going on a desert safari with camel riding and other desert-type activities. should be interesting and make for some good pics. so stay tuned.

frosting covered kisses,


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