Tuesday, June 14, 2011


most of my friends know that when i'm bored, i like to color my hair. i'm always holding out hope that i'll be a completely changed woman and will be magically transformed into the shiny-haired model on the box. today was no different than my other attempts. the chick on the box has lovely golden-red hair; post-color, mine is dark brown. truly not a good look for me. i look like the before picture in a makeover ad.

jeff is out of town this week. it continues to be a struggle for me to find things to keep me busy during the day. now i have to entertain myself at night too? i mean, i'm fun and all, but there are limits to my delightful charms. 

i've been keeping busy with zumba and other (hopefully) butt-shrinking aerobic activity. yesterday i attended a step class. i haven't been to one of these since the 90's and they haven't changed much. but i'm so sore today i could barely walk to starbucks for a gargantuan frappuchino.

daily laundry can be stimulating because i can never anticipate the mood of the washer/dryer -- evil metal box of mediocrity:

here are some of the stories i read in today's abu dhabi paper:

1. petrol shortage rumbles on without explanation (yes, there is a fuel shortage here).
2. mortgage defaulters flee rather than risk time in jail (lenders here require homebuyers to write them a check to guarantee their loan. if the check bounces, the lendee can be thrown in jail).
3. five women drivers arrested in saudi arabia (women are not forbidden to drive in saudi, but you must have a saudi driver's license to drive there . . . and they only issue them to men).
4. american expat arrested for using profanity in email to phone company (yes, you can be arrested for swearing here -- i'm in big trouble).

ah, another day in paradise. 24 days till departure!




Anonymous said...

Where's the picture of you as a brunette?!?

Counting the days!

tricia said...
