Saturday, September 17, 2011


this article was in yesterday's 'gulf news':

the views of this presumably non-american really, really piss me off. i'm going to write a response to this op-ed and hopefully they'll publish it. i could be deported soon for voicing my opposition to this insensitive d*ckhead. imho, i feel we (as americans) should be able to grieve as long as we want. not all of us were directly affected by the events of 9/11 (as in losing a loved one), and i'm certainly not trying to speak for everyone; the effects of that day are far-reaching. but, i/we can't unsee those horrific visions. i cry every time i watch one of those specials and not because i knew anyone who perished. but its our tragedy -- and i'll cry if i want to, for as long as i want to. some of the points in this article are akin to saying that the french should buck-up, move on and not remember those at normandy on 'd-day' every year. perk up and stop being sad, you silly frogs. 

i ran today for the 2nd day in a row. my toenails are running scared and will be exiting stage left shortly. 

thursday at work, my bosses brought me a thank you card and flowers -- just for doing my job! now that's a change. they love me, but who doesn't.

alright, i've got to run. going to make suzan's fabulous chocolate cake this afternoon and i need a carton of 'laban' to make it. yes, i think 'laban' sounds terrifically nasty too.



1 comment:

Suzan said...

Now, as I recall the recipe I don't think my Grandmother Zelma used any sounds like we all need a little more laban in our lives - so you have been at work about 7 days and you get flowers? You must have done an outstanding job supervising the page-ripping