Monday, January 24, 2011

cats galore

there is an excessive amount of stray cats here. its all i can do to keep myself from capturing one and bringing it home. i probably would if i could get close to one. they're all so scrawny and hungry (and LOUD like uncle leo). i want to save them all.

last thursday we went to the 'captain's arms' - a very popular bar at le meridien. we've actually been there a couple of times and its always packed with mostly ex-pats. its my favorite watering hole by far. we downed a few drinks with retta (one of jeff's employees), c.k. (a gentleman from india whose wife lives in houston), noel (from india who sometimes sounds like an aussie), craig (who is soon leaving a.d. for the winter wonderland that is buffalo, ny) and lastly (and leastly) richard from down under. richard was a bit of a tool who extolled continuously on the greatness of australia while very subtly bashing the states. at the end of the evening he was dismissed as a fat, balding douchebag; i don't think we'll be hanging with him again (although he works with jeff too). from left to right - c.k., me, douchebag, craig, jorge and noel. retta was either hiding behind noel or had run off to the loo.

it rained all weekend (surprise!! it does rain in the desert), so jeff and i went to the movies; saw 'the way back' with ed harris and colin farrell. there are a couple of differences in the movies here and in the states - the seating is assigned and the popcorn does not come in gigantic texas-sized tubs. movie was good though (if a bit long). they're still not showing 'the black swan' or 'blue valentine' which are the two movies i most want to see. while we were at the mall, we saw a horse tied to a post, which was a bit weird (he or she is in the middle of the pic below).

we put together most of the furniture we bought at ikea; it was amazingly easy despite the fact that there are no written instructions; only pictures. we have the bureau left to assemble; i'm hoping that one will be as simple. my bread turned out awesome too; its called 'amish white bread' and i can provide the recipe for anyone who is too lazy to google it :-).

today i wandered about the downtown area. the pics below are of the mall i frequent and the capital garden.

i have a job interview on thursday for part time work. wish me luck! i need more of a purpose to get me out of bed each morning other than the lure of sugary kids cereal.

love and honey nut cheerios,


p.s. next post - bidets and toilet etiquette


Unknown said...

Tricia, love you r posts, keep um up. When can we video skype, we need to talk about my visiting.

Unknown said...

Love your posts and love you. I have a recipe to grow your own bread. You'll be giving it to all your Shchenims. That's Hebrew btw; I couldn't get anything to translate in Arabic. It's way hard.

Hadji said... surprises there! Our Richard wants you to distinguish between Richard from Oz and Richard from NZ. Otherwise you'll be hearing from his attorney. But feel free to trash Ozzies all you want! Effin' wankas!

The park is beautiful! Kitty says, with patience you can save all the homeless kitties and drive Jeff crazy at the same time. It's a win, win situation! :o)