Thursday, January 20, 2011

two stars

there's a restaurant a block away from the apartment called "two stars" - really? that's the best you could do? it looks a little skeevy and it must be with only two stars to its name.

today when i was at lulu's, my checkout person was just like kristen wiig's "target lady" from saturday night live. every item he scanned seemed to amaze and excite him. he was practically orgasmic over my step stool. lulu's is one of the big 'hypermarkets' here. its like a big target or wal-mart but with crappier produce and much ruder employees.

i haven't actually baked the bread yet as previously stated. i needed a loaf pan and measuring spoons (which are surprisingly hard to find here). it took me two days to locate some measuring spoons and i think they're in metric. the one that looks like a tablespoon says "15 cc". i don't know what that means and don't feel like looking it up on google. today is the day though - i'll be diving into the dough here shortly. i have to hang out here in the apartment anyway (since i was at two malls both yesterday and the day before) and because ikea is delivering our new bureau and desk (some assembly required). i'm sure jeff and i will be spending all day friday learning how to swear in swedish as we try to decipher ikea's cryptic instructions.

so, the thing with the washer -- its a combo unit. one machine does the work of both washer and dryer - sort of (why don't we have these in the states?). it takes approximately 5 hours to do one load of laundry and when you remove the clothes, it looks like they've been rolled into a ball and cooked. in the way that the wrinkles are fairly permanent (like the ones around my eyes). my sheets have crow's feet. so after 5 hours of waiting for the laundry to be done, i spend two more hours attempting to iron it. ah, the life of a housewife.

speaking of housewife, i had to go to the 'emirates preventive medicine hospital' yesterday to get my diagnostics tests for my residence visa. there are totally separate areas for men and women and depending on the time you arrive, it could take up to 5 hours (good time to do a load of laundry). but i got there early and they stuck me and zapped me and i was on my way. i'm this close to becoming a resident. oh, and on the visa, it says my occupation is "housewife" which in most of my friend's cases means taking wonderful care of their children and husband's needs, keeping a fabulous house and being gorgeous.  in my case, "housewife" means desperately trying to locate "the bachelor" season 15 torrents to download, changing the polish color on my nails on a daily basis and trying to resist the urge to partake in mimosas at noon everyday.

gotta run - literally. i'm off to buy new running shoes. i've started running again for the "hood to coast-2012" in oregon and i've been running in my reebok easy tones. those shoes DO NOT in fact make your butt look 20 years younger and are really not good for running. i'm losing a toenail already (sorry if this grosses you out, jolene). but as richard says, 'toenails are for sissies'.

i didn't have any relevant pics for this post, but here's a couple of random shots of a.d., plus a picture of my two favorite dumb blondes.

love and freshly baked kisses,


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