Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A day at home

Stayed at the apartment today and did laundry - which takes FOREVER (more on that later)- and made brownies. Plus I only have 50 dirhams in my purse which doesn't go very far and Jeff hasn't given me a bank card yet. He also says I shouldn't use my Bank of America card since the international charges are excessive. Jeff says when I need money, I should use the "come to papa" approach. Which isn't sexual, but certainly something I refuse to stoop to. Controlling much? Perhaps. See Karen and Darlene? This is why I need my old job back.

My adorable child, Audrey bought me the cutest apron (see below) for Christmas (I actually lavished desire and drool on this apron whilst shopping with Audrey prior to Christmas in hopes that she would buy it for me, and this ploy worked really well).

So, since I seem to have too much time on my hands (and the most precious apron ever), I've decided to start cooking and baking more. Expect me to have achieved maximum density when I arrive for my Easter visit in Dallas. They were only box brownies, but still. Yesterday, I created my soon to be more famous "slow cooker pot roast" and tomorrow I'm tackling homemade bread without the shortcut of my efficient and much-loved breadmaker which is living in Dallas. I've never made bread by hand before (that I can recall - but I'm old and forgetful now) so this should be interesting. I'm looking forward to the "punch down" portion of the recipe instructions so that I can take my frustrations out on the unsuspecting pile of dough.

things they don't have here (that i've discovered so far): dots and twizzlers (those who know me, know i REALLY need these things); crest whitestrips, mystic tans, propel water mix-in thingies.

alright, gotta run - to do what, you ask? i'm not sure yet, but i need to get out of here.

hugs and brownie kisses,


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