Thursday, January 27, 2011

eeoc who?

so i had a job interview this morning. its just a part-time office manager position, but would get me out of the house (and keep me out of the malls) on a daily basis. the gentleman i interviewed with, mr. walid, gave me a salary range and asked me to pick a number. huh. the weird thing here in regards to jobs is that hiring managers can specify which nationality they want the employee to be. ads in the classifieds actually say: "secretary wanted - must be female and filipino". walid also said a filipino applying for the job would only make 2,000-4,000 per month (that's in dirhams too; not in usd). but if its an american applying for the position, the pay is approximately 10,000 dirhams a month. if you were actually filipino, wouldn't you be tempted to lie? or maybe that info is on your passport; i don't know.

yesterday i went to the emirates palace to take a tour. the palace is basically just a VERY fancy hotel. our tour guide, olivia from sri lanka, let us tour the palace suites, the ballroom and the auditorium. pretty luxurious. and the rooms we toured go for 55,000 dhs per night (that's about $15,000). see pics below.

just got back from a coffee event with a women's group. they're ok (but they're not heidi). lovely bunch of women really who are all 'trailing spouses' (kept women is more like it). most of them don't work and they're what i would consider 'ladies who lunch' (which might not necessarily be a bad thing). there were (surprisingly) a handful of ladies from texas too. and all seemed to have brought their pets here (get ready daisy and lindy -- we're going on a trip).

sorry this blog entry was so boring; i'm feeling a bit wired and nauseous and not very funny at the moment. i haven't been sleeping (ambien or xanax, please), and am giving serious consideration to a nap.

more things they don't have here: vegetable shortening, lucky charms, marshmallows, blue bell ice cream, good mexican food. peanut butter filled pretzels, lysol wipes and did i mention kool-aid?

also, just finished reading adam carolla's book "in fifty years we'll all be chicks" - i highly recommend it.

the sandman is calling; love to all back in the states,


1 comment:

Hadji said...

Missing you bunches! Coffee is never the same without you!

How were the bidets in the fancy pants hotel? Was there a showering off appliance/utensil in there...not for bathing, but for the toilet?

Let me know and I'll prepare Daisy & Lindy for the trip...sounds like you've got the cat situation sorted. Oh, Cult Comedy & Construction is ready to install the dog doors you'll need.