Sunday, January 30, 2011

burned cookies win

i baked cookies this afternoon and burned one batch cause i was drinking wine and browsing netflix and forgot about them. so, why is it that the one burned batch is what smells up the house? the apartment doesn't smell awesome now like tollhouse cookies; it smells like burned-up crap. oh well. most of them turned out.

i had a haircut this morning and the salon is just like all those in the states - they REALLY want you to purchase some 'product'. this girl was pushing loreal stuff on me. my hair must really look like sh*t cause she shoved 3 different shampoos at me and told me i really, really  need multiple treatments. lately, i've started to hate having my hair cut. i truly don't like looking at myself in the mirror for an hour. just a reminder that i'd be a great ad for 'before botox'.

i'm watching 'married to rock' right now. these women are a train wreck (with 40 lbs of makeup), but i can't stop watching this show. however, billy duffy is kind of a d*ck, but its making me think i could look really hot in an engineer's cap. other than this, tv sucks here. they re-run the same stuff over and over (and there is not even any law and order). and i do miss tv (i know that makes me shallow). itunes and netflix are my true media friends at the moment.

yesterday, jeff and i went to another bar (go figure); this one in the hiltonia beach club. we wanted to have drinks and cigars on the water. some dude in jeff's h.r. department said we should join a beach club so that we can get into these places regularly without paying a cover charge and use their facilities. so the hiltonia charges 15,000 dirhams per year for both of us. that's like $170/month (in usd). is that a lot? it seems like a membership at the premiere club in dallas was about $60. we're gonna check out the sheraton next weekend.

i've decided to turn down the part-time job; jeff talked me out of it. mr. walid said my month-long trip to dallas in april was ok, but i think i'll be travelling more than that. jeff and i are (hopefully) going to oman next week and i don't want to start asking for time off on the first day. lame, huh?

i've become rather lazy in the past few days (but i'm running a 5K almost every day now - that counts, right?). so, i'm not walking everywhere like i did in the first couple of weeks. but taking a taxi is taking your life into your own hands every single time. the drivers are totally insane. i've almost been in 3 accidents and have audibly gasped at least a dozen times while riding in cabs. they're so cheap though; its hard to pass up. i don't think jeff reads this blog, but hopefully if i'm in a rogue taxi accident, jeff will alert the media.

back to 'married to rock' - this girl, josie, has melons on her chest. i thought i had big boobs, but mine are tiny little tangerines compared to this girl. she has giant canteloupes. this other chick on 'm2r' just took a mold of josie the barbie doll's va-jay-jay. um, yuck. i'm close to some of my girlfriends, but i can't imagine them taking a rubber mold of my lady parts.

tomorrow i'm going to go on one of the double-decker bus tours (yes, they have those here). more pics to follow.

i'm ready to come home now.

love and chocolate chips,


blogspot sucks in that i cannot put captions next to the pics (or perhaps i (the i.t. princess) haven't yet figured out yet how to do that).

its 9:00pm and jeff is not home yet. who thinks i should not really be here cause jeff works about 15 hours a day? who, who?

1 comment:

Hadji said...

Okay, on the rubber mold of your lady parts...remember that trip we took to...well, never mind.

What is Married to Rock? I haven't seen/heard of this on The Soup. Joel couldn't have possibly let me down.

Forget the 15 hour work days. No L&O is reason about cruel & unusual!