Monday, February 21, 2011

the friendly skies

anyone who knows me, knows i hate to fly. not because i have a fear of crashing; i just don't like to sit still that long, or have my schedule controlled by some yahoo in a blue uniform with epaulets on the shoulders, or be in close proximity to 204 people who haven't bathed in a month. there's an airline (i won't say which one it is, but the word "american" is in their title) who now charges for alcoholic beverages on overseas trips - a travesty! $7 for a tiny glass of wine when you could have bought the whole bottle at trader joe's for $2.

and now a word (or several) about the lavatory: i have this fear that if i have to use the aircraft facilities whilst the plane is still on the ground (and i did just yesterday), there's some guy below emptying said facilities at the exact same time and i might accidentally pee on his head. and do the passengers just go in there and urinate everywhere but the toilet? i'm never going in there again without my shoes on. i now have a pair of socks that need to be placed in a hazmat bag and burned.

as soon as we took off from london, i slowly leaned my seat back (as most people are wont to do) and the guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and says if i lean back, he can't move his legs. there was a seat open right next to him, so i told him to move. he then proceeded to shove his knees in my back the entire flight. also, the highlight of the flight is that some guy in the back was drunk and disorderly and had to be restrained by an air marshall. extreme excitement in the air, my friends.

i don't have any pictures from this trip as i was dazed and confused for most of it.

more tomorrow from the bluebonnet state.

love and pee-free socks,


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