Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i am becoming a grumpy old man . . .

cause i was swearing like a sailor at people while driving today. its weird not driving for two months then getting behind the wheel. probably not something i should do after 48 hours of no sleep and a half a bottle of wine.

today i browsed through the fabulousness that is 'super target' and marveled at all that is missing in the uae - namely wide aisles of a bunch of crap that no one really needs. its so easy to spend $100 there (or $500) (on candy and sleeping pills). i bought 4 sticks of deodorant for jeff (cause he must really smell). but really because all the deodorant in abu dhabi is scented with names like 'arctic ice' and 'denim pleasure' and 'camel fire' and 'bedouin rhapsody' (i made that last one up - well, ok - the last two). seriously, who wants to smell like 'dark blue' (that one is real) and what does that mean anyway? and while i'm on the topic of perfume, why are there so many body sprays for women that smell like fruit? why do women want to smell like pineapple or freesia (what the hell is freesia)? guys, since when does a mandarin orange turn you on? i need answers.

since being back in texas, i've been doing two of the things i love most - being worshipped by my bitches and vacuuming. yeah i know; hard to believe. my bitches:

while spending countless hours at heidi and richard's we've discovered a new toy that is not just for kids - the 'sing-a-ma-jig'. go buy one. it provides hours of entertainment for tipsy adults. and it sings dirty songs if you squeeze it just right (but who doesn't).

ok; time for bed. the lag of jet is catching up to me.

there's no place like home,


the 'sing-a-ma-jig' is the one on the right.

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