Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fat mints

Have you ever noticed that girl scout cookies come out at the same time as the sports illustrated swimsuit issue? I think that is by design so that women who may be consuming an entire box of thin mints, will feel bad about themselves (hey, those boxes are small). i personally am not a thin mints fan. i prefer the extreme calories found in samoas.

i'm sure this skinny bitch has never consumed a box of thin mints while lounging in her sweatpants:

my nosy next door neighbor came by yesterday to express her concern over the pets' care although i'm pretty sure she doesn't have a veterinary degree. she also informed me that she is the 'squirrel whisperer'. um, okay. i think she's your run-of-the-mill kook. when i went outside later, she was walking around with a container of nuts trying to coax her fantasy squirrel (named 'sascha' of all things) out of its hiding place. only in the 'land of gar'. probably everywhere actually. but why do the mental cases always live next door to me.

what the hell is up with gas prices? its .20 cents more today than 3 days ago. in abu dhabi, there is only one gas company and only one type of gas station - adnoc - which is 'abu dhabi national oil company'. there doesn't seem to be any type of gas price war there; you get what you get. it works out to be about $1.81 per gallon.

i don't think i mentioned, but you can't get peppermint mochas at sbucks in a.d. maybe peppermint is a candy version of a pig - its dirty and evil. needless to say, i've immersed myself in peppermint mochas this past week and have rapidly gained 5 pounds of coffee weight.

i'm not feeling funny today (yesterday either). so feel free to tune me out.

dallas peeps pics:






needy bitches-

i'll take a funny pill later and try to be more entertaining next time.

peppermint kisses,


1 comment:

Hadji said...

If I've asked you once, I've asked you a thousand times not to use my swimsuit image with my express consent!
(Hard to believe the girl on SI is the same as the goofball 2 pics in with the maniacal grin, flat hair and glasses.)