Monday, February 28, 2011

kardashian overload

exactly how many kardashians are there anyway? every time i turn on the tv, there's a new one peddling shoes, perfume or cleavage. i think they say 'kim kardashian' about 4726 times on the e! network every day. perhaps i should watch a different channel. i just recently watched her superbowl commercial for sketchers. i'm pretty sure her posterior is natural and didn't come from a pair of rubber corrective shoes. i've been wearing the reebok version of those for over a year now and my ass still looks middle aged. i want my money back.

the oscars are on tonight and i'm so thankful i'm in the states cause i'm sure they're not showing it in the uae. heaven forbid i miss the hateful eruption of catty invective that is the red carpet. but i'm tuning in so i can 1) anguish over the fact that there is not enough sequins in my life and 2) know what not to wear when i become a celebrity. 

today i spent two hours blow drying my freezer; it sounded like fun and i've always wanted to see how long it would take to burn up my conair ion-shine. i didn't actually break the hair appliance; i'm pretty sure i broke the ice maker though.

does russell brand ever wash his hair? someone needs to tell michelle williams that the pixie look is out. oh no - now i sound like joan rivers and juliana rancic.

last night i had dinner at one of those hibachi places. i met some centex friends at 'jinbeh' where the chef attempted to sear our eyebrows off while cooking eggs and rice. i'd kind of like to have one of those in my house; i could use it to torture the cats when they climb on stuff they're not supposed to. maybe create a new avant garde dish - broiled cat paws in a white wine butter sauce.

back row from left: old hag, uncle willy, deb. front row from left: lisa and jen (yes, incredibly hot people worked at centex):

bradley cooper is kind of hot.

yesterday i think i successfully jailbroke my iphone. see, back when i was in dallas over christmas (before moving to the desert), i dropped my iphone 3 in the toilet. it was only there for 3 seconds, but that was all it took (and it was just water in the toilet, not anything yucky). so i bought an iphone 4, which doesn't work in the uae and didn't have a jailbreak app developed for it until last week. so a couple of days ago, i believe i jailbroke it: now when i turn it on, the little apple icon has a skull on it (scary!!). but to use it in the uae, i have to unlock it too, which i think i did today. i'm not sure how to check it though until i get back to the uae. anyone have any experience with this? the skull thing bothers me; makes me think my phone is either evil or has become a pirate.

ok; gotta run to a pajama party.

love dallas; never going back to abu dhabi (sorry, jeff - heidi wins).



1 comment:

Hadji said...

Yea! I win! I win! I think it's a pirate thing. Yes, most definitely a pirate thing. Skulls and crossbones are drop dead sexy! Po)