Sunday, February 6, 2011

there's a fat girl inside of me screaming to get out

i've become quite the little butterball and i have no idea why. however, i have eaten two whole jars of peanut butter since i've been here; maybe that's it ( supposed to be good fat). i kinda feel like one of the contestants on 'the biggest loser' cause when i run i can feel my flab bouncing up and down. its incredibly irritating.

i can't sleep. its worse than its ever been. i've been taking over-the-counter unisom for as long as i can remember. when we came here, jeff told me i couldn't bring the sleeping pills, but i defied him and did it anyway. but they stopped working and i ventured to the doctor get some ambien or xanax (my lovely friend cheryl from socal turned me on to xanax and i am forever grateful). well, they don't have unisom, ambien or xanax here; dr. salami (really) prescribed the next best thing - something called dormicum (that sounds dirty). originally, i figured it must be sub-standard crap, but i assumed incorrectly. after taking a pill, i tend to pass out with no memory of previous events. i've apparently sent emails and done a little home shopping too. don't remember any of it. i still want some xanax though.

this weekend was rather quiet since jeff was feeling under the weather; however, we did venture over to the sheraton on friday to check out their beach club and see if its worth the 15,000 dirhams (it wasn't) - there's no view of the gulf. however, the mai tais at their pool bar were exceptional.

after 3 mai tais and no food, we decided to stumble over to one of the restaurants there - 'el sombrero'. we heard this place had the best margaritas in town (not as good as jeff's or nancy's though). after wolfing down some tasty fajitas and some frozen tequila-lime goodness, we went in search of king size pillow cases - something that is mostly non-existent here. shopping while half in the bag is not recommended. while we were wandering through the local neighborhood markets in search of bed linens, i took a picture in the 'green house center' - the store full of crap below our apartment. check out the look on that woman's face.

saturday we both recovered from hangovers and went to see 'the king's speech' - a truly excellent film.

this morning retta (jeff's lovely co-worker) drove us to the police station to get our liquor license. the'hooch permit grantors' only gave us one - for jeff and i to share (probably cause i'm a housewife and incapable of making purchases or decisions by myself). the price of the license is based on your salary; they also set a dirham amount that you can spend per month. fortunately, they don't check your license every time; good thing for us or we'd be way over our booze budget.

i've broken the washer/dryer contraption twice now and i think mr. sayed the handy man is a little perturbed with me.

tomorrow - botox!

go steelers!!!!!!

wrinkle-free kisses,



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