Sunday, February 13, 2011

twizzler coma

yesterday jeff and i got back from muscat, oman (incredibly, serenely beautiful - see pics below and more on fb). when we got back to the apartment, there was a large box waiting for me from my book club ladies in texas. after slashing into the box like a crazed woman, it was like christmas all over again. there were multiple family size bags of twizzlers (hence the coma i'm in now), propel (i cannot drink water without these), zapp's chips, scarves, DOTS (another small addiction), a whoopie pie mix (this makes me very excited) and many other fabulous items including my long lost friend, mr. kool-aid. i'm actually off after this post to go find a pitcher so that i can guzzle kool-aid by the gallon this afternoon. i'm so happy, i may place all the twizzlers in the bathtub and lie in it. (is that correct grammar?)

the trip to muscat was a lovely distraction from the dirty hustle and bustle of a.d. seems like all the buildings there are white (not sure how they stay that way with all the sand). it makes me think that's what parts of greece may look like (i hope to go there soon). while there, we went to the muttrah souk, which i was told by a doctor friend in socal, is a must when you're in muscat. the peddlers there are very aggressive (maybe they just do that with foreigners) and put the high-pressure sale on you if you even glance their way. i'm not into being pressured when i shop, so we didn't buy much. but it was definitely a fun scene.

the next day we opted for a coastal cruise so that we could see more of muscat. the water there is sparkling aqua and was quite stunning against the mountains of the coast.

i have a new diet plan (to take affect right after i've devoured all the gum-drop goodness) - it's to wear the tightest pair of jeans i own (which is all of them at the moment) every hour of the day. i'll never lose weight if i'm hanging out in sweatpants all the time. that just creates a false sense of skinny.

ok; i'm off - to purchase a kool-aid pitcher and some milk to make whoopie pies. have i said the word 'kool-aid' enough?

love and sugary dreams,


the souk:

the incense burner statue in riyam park:

jeff in an omani hat:

there are several more pics on fb. i didn't post them all though - who wants to see dozens of pics of some place you're not?


Unknown said...

You've never been fat a day in your life. Trade your sweat pants for yoga pants - tight and stretchy all at the same time - and call it a day. :)

Hadji said... didn't buy that hat did you? :ol