Thursday, March 24, 2011


i'm thinking of going to church (this should make jolene so happy). they say you meet people there, right? originally, i figured there weren't any churches here; only mosques. but a google search proved me wrong. there are actually 2 catholic churches here. plus 3 evangelical churches and 1 orthodox. when i was a teenager, i actually almost converted to catholicism. but the priest conducting the classes was really old and a little senile and couldn't stay on topic during catechism school (plus, i never finish anything; i must have had a.d.d. then too). i've always been fascinated by the rituals and tradition of catholic church. just commit any sin, confess and bing! you're absolved. perhaps it doesn't actually work that way. heidi has an embarrasing story she likes to tell: one time when we were teenagers and were attending mass at st. judes chapel on a sunday morning (instead of a saturday night after participating in illegal activities), i needed to go to the restroom and went into the confessional by mistake. i rather quickly realized my mistake and crept out of the sin closet and back to my pew. i never made it to the ladies room. the priest didn't miss a beat and i believe i was completely ignored by everyone, except heidi. its probably funnier when she tells it.

i didn't actually make the 'best brownies ever' the other day. they don't sell unsweetened baker's chocolate here (one of the many things they don't sell here), so i made chocolate chip cookies instead. and since i baked them on tuesday, i've only had one (really, i swear). they're in the kitchen now pleading for me to keep them company. but i'm resisting. jeff is making a valiant effort in wiping out the chocolate chip masses so hopefully i won't have to keep up my cookie denial for much longer.  

yesterday i went to a different women's coffee (they're a little obsessed with the 'coffee mornings' here; in my humble opinion, i think we should have more happy hours that involve wine and cheese instead). i think this particular coffee was sponsored by the abu dhabi woman's network. it was held at a place called 'the jazz club' which i'm told turns into a sort of hooker bar one night of the week. met lots of new, nice women, and had too many caffeineated beverages. some of these crazy women are trying to convince me that i need to start taking the bus. the last time i took the bus was 1988 and it was in dallas. since the taxis smell bad here, i can only imagine the aroma floating around the bus. but i'm open to new things, so tomorrow i'll don a face mask and attempt to brave the stench. i plan on dragging jeff with me for support.

its our friday here, so i'm off to the crowne plaza for a beverage or seven.



1 comment:

Hadji said...

We almost considered churchin in NZ when looking for people to hang out with. Thankfully, The Hash (House Harriers) came to the rescue! See if the Hash is can always auto-wank. :o)
