Tuesday, March 22, 2011

black swan

nothing, but nothing will make you feel more like a cow than watching 'black swan'. watched the movie this morning and i'm not sure what to think. very bizarre. i think she had mommy issues. yesterday i watched 'blue valentine'. two movies in a row with somewhat graphic sex scenes (for an 'r' rated movie anyway).

its been a slow week. jeff is working too much and i have too much time on my hands. yesterday, i walked to 'spinneys', the ex-pat grocery store. i needed ham for my chicken cordon bleu recipe which i plan on making tonight. its a fairly good distance to 'spinney's; a few miles perhaps. i figured the walk would get me outside, kill time and constitute a little exercise. the frappuchino i had in the middle of it probably cancelled out any calorie burn though.

richard has a bumper sticker that says 'toenails are for sissies'. amen brother. although i think i qualify as a sissy, i'm still losing a toenails. not sure how that happens when my running shoes are 2 sizes too big. i look like i'm wearing jet skis on my feet. when i got a pedicure last week, the girl looked at my feet like i had a fungus or something. she didn't understand my two bruised and purple toenails. when i tried to explain that it was from running, she backed away like i just sprouted horns or something. breast chafing and ugly feet -  i'm so smoking hot. running sucks; i don't care what you people say. there is no such thing as a runners high. maybe if you smoke pot first, sure.

a while back, jeff's old boss nick, in an attempt to make me feel better about being here (and being spit on) said that 'all people are basically the same'. i think he meant inside everyone is the same. i have to disagree with him. i am not the same as the cabbie who hasn't showered in three days; i am not the same as the dozens of muslim women who run me over on the street and in the grocery stores; i am not the same as the filipino guy amorously rubbing up against a tree while watching bikini clad girls on the beach.

does everyone have a reality show or only everyone who has the last name kardashian? lamar odom the lakers star and his stepford kardashian wife are supposed to have a new show coming out. i think i'm watching too much tv. every morning, i wake up thinking i need hair and makeup people to swing by and make me look hi-def ready. not sure for what though - long hours with my couch; akmed the doorman; my new cat friend.

i'm thinking of growing dreadlocks - does anyone know how long that takes? i'm just weary of washing and styling my hair every day. and again, for who? for what?

i'm depressed. going to the store to buy butter for lisa's recipe for the best brownies ever. might as well try to make jeff fat while i'm here. then he can feel like a cow too.

washer/dryer number 3 seems to be hanging in there. i haven't succeeded in completely wasting it. the microwave better back off though.



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