Sunday, March 20, 2011


i could say that i've been busy and that's why i haven't updated this stupid blog, but that would be a flat out fib. been a little busy, but not enough to justify my laziness in writing.

st. pat's day, i attended my third american women's network-abu dhabi coffee at this lovely restaurant called 'cafe arabia'. they might have the strongest coffee i've ever tasted. their caffeine elixir makes me SO hyper. top that off with one of my crazy a.d.d. pills and i'm like the energizer bunny. at the coffee, i met a couple of new ladies - one from wisconsin and one from the u.k. also signed up to do a kayak trip through the mangroves next week, so stay tuned for those hijinks.

st. pat's evening, we went to our favorite bar 'the captain's arms'. not sure why, but this is THE place to hang out. daily happy hours there are packed with ex-pats and finding a table is a challenge. the service sucks but the spiced potato wedges are excellent. met a scottish woman, annie, who had 3 dates lined up for the evening. annie also used my new favorite phrase - 'we've lost the plot' (and i thought that was something herb - the male chauvinist pig from nzed made up).

friday, i was a vegetable, either from a lame hangover (i only had two glasses of wine at captain's arms) or the remnants of jet lag. but at any rate, i didn't get off the couch all day. friday night we went back to the captain's arms to meet channin and stephanie so i could give channin her gifts from the states. these two young ladies tried unsuccessfully to convince jeff and i to accompany them to the 'fun bar' (yes, this is a real place) to sing karaoke, but the couch was pining for me and i had a date with my pillow so we declined.

saturday we discovered a new grocery store - choithrams (what the hell does that mean anyway?). jeff was super excited cause they had jalapeno cheese tortillas. grocery stores are important here, especially to us ex-pats. there is NOTHING here like super target or tom thumb. this one was pretty nice, but i'm still unable to find arborio rice anywhere. can you make risotto with plain old uncle ben's? jeff and i also discovered a new pool bar at the oryx hotel called the 'blue lounge'. jeff was in need of his daily cigar (cancer anyone?) and i was in need of a bowl of nuts. from what we've seen, neither the emirates nor the expats here have discovered the greatness of the afternoon cocktail. seems like most of the bars are empty at 3pm. or maybe jeff and i are alcoholics. here's the view from the rooftop:

and now for my commentary on e! channel news:

if you don't take nude pics or videos of yourself, there will be nothing for the hackers to sell after your computer is compromised. is that a requirement of female celebrities that they must have nudie pics? i don't want to see any pics of me naked so i would never have any taken.

i'm at the peak of my adderall high now, so i need to go run 5 miles while i still have the will and the drug is coursing through my system.


p.s. adele is simply amazing. u should all download her entire record ('record' - i think i'm dating myself).

p.p.s. still battling with my iphone. need jailbreak help - anyone? anyone?

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