Sunday, March 13, 2011

in limbo

i'm back 'home' in abu dhabi. or at least this is home for now. i feel kind of in limbo. all my stuff is in dallas. and i'm a firm believer that home is where your stuff is. but mr. sanders is here. and i guess he may qualify as 'stuff' too.

the ride back was fairly uneventful if you don't count the farting. yes, i'm back on that subject. i just don't get it. why do people fart on planes? i actually just googled that and there are about 2 million results. i am curious though. do people just save them up? is there something about airplane food that gives people gas? is it the pressurized cabin? the furtive farter was in my general vicinity and made the back section of coach pretty unbearable.

i'm back to the cooking and tried to find ingredients for risotto today at 'carrefour' and the 'emirates general market'. arborio rice is nowhere to be found here in the desert. there are about 20 kinds of basmati rice though in 50 pound bags no less. so i'm making chicken parm.

also went to etisalat to buy a micro-sim card for my jailbroken iphone so i can attempt to use it here. i don't think i successfully got the phone out of the at&t clinker cause i have no service. back to the 1985 phone. apparently i'm not as great an i.t. queen as i originally thought. bill, if you're reading, do u have any suggestions?

window shopping in abu dhabi:

really makes you want to go in that store, huh.

gotta go figure out why my flippin' iphone is not working.


1 comment:

Hadji said...

You know Richard says people think the seats are charcoal filters. I think people are just bored. on the "window shopping." It looks like a K-Mart giant puked up its lunch. Maybe the deals are really great.