Tuesday, March 29, 2011


sorry i've been a neglectful sloth as far as my blog is concerned. truly, my life is not very entertaining and i can't imagine why anyone would want to read about it. but please keep reading (i have 15 whole followers!!). plus, you never know if i'll do something here in the uae to get thrown in jail or deported and that would make a good posting. i bet they don't let you have internet access in the clinker though.

today i went kayaking through the mangroves. getting to the launch point was half the fun as i had to question six cab drivers before finding one that had any clue where to go. and since there are no addresses here, that makes locating most businesses quite a challenge. there were about a dozen women from the american women's network in attendance. we signed release forms, donned very chic life jackets then were given the option of a two person kayak (our british tour guide called these the 'divorce' boats) or a single. i went for the single, so i'd be the only one responsible for flipping it. as we slipped into the mangroves and away from the noisy traffic on sheikh zayed bridge, it was like entering another world. the ride was lovely and very serene. there was not an abundance of wildlife, but i did see some jumping fish, a couple of cranes and a handful of blue crabs (plus two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree - who knew there were partridges here?).

i know you people think i have a fetish about taking pictures of my different body parts; truly i don't. and they're never obscene (well, some people thought the picture of my belly was not warranted). but i just wanted to show even though i was so diligent in slathering sunscreen over my face, neck, shoulders and arms before the kayak ride, i completely shunned my shins and feet and am now completely fried in that area. very intelligent for a former melanoma patient, i know.  

britney speers' tush is completely hanging out of her sparkly bodysuit on 'good morning america' right now. and she's throwing her hair around like a metal band from 1982. why is she still relevant? anyone? anyone? bueller?

i'm gonna quit writing now before this gets too long and heidi complains :-). i'll write (i swear it) about the last 5 days and my new found independence - tomorrow.

love and solarcaine spray kisses,

t. from a.d. u.a.e. in the m.e.

p.s. i would have taken more pictures during the trip, but i was so afraid i'd drop the camera into the water. i've been known to be a klutz on occasion.

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Suzan said...
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