Wednesday, March 30, 2011


so, i took the bus - several times. and i love it! thanks renee and lorna! the bus is only 1 dirham (which is about 25 cents). its air conditioned and they make the smelly boys sit in the back. yes, segregation still exists here in a.d. when i got on for the first time on monday, two guys got on in front of me and dropped their money in the slot, then got back off so they could get back on through the middle door. i followed suit. but realized the reason they did that is cause they're dudes and they didn't want to push their way through the ladies in the front. i felt kind of stupid, but acted like i did that on purpose. seems like all the buses here go to the one big mall - the marina mall. big surprise since its billed as one of the top attractions. truly, there's nothing special about the mall, but its an indoor activity and i expect that will become very important here in about another month when supposedly the heat will melt your face off. i didn't take any pictures on the bus cause i felt that would be disrespectful (you're not supposed to take pictures of the muslim women - at least that's what jeff tells me) and it would make me feel like a tourist. i did take this one picture of this sweet shop after i got off the bus. interesting name, don't you think?

after my kayaking trip yesterday, my arms and abs are killing me - i'm so out of shape. i have a blister on my thumb (cause i'm a rather enthusiastic paddler) and i'm sunburned. but i'm going again; hopefully next time with jeff. the name of the outfit is 'noukhada' which is arabic and persian for 'captain or senior navigator of a ship'. i used to have a kayak that my mom bought me for my birthday one year. but i was living above my means at that time and had to sell it to pay rent. it was fun while i had it though. and i'm here to attest that its good exercise.

last week jeff and i went to our favorite roof top, pool bar - level lounge. we now know our server/bartender well enough that she knows our names and hugs us each time we come in. her name is 'aija' (i think) and she's from the phillipines.

this is regularly my dinner when we're there:

the crowd is beginning to grow (aija tells us this place starts to rock around 11; unfortunately, jeff and i are old and are rarely out that late).

yes, 'pocari sweat' does exist; i bought some and drank some. it sucked.

ok; gotta run. going to catch the bus again and see where it takes me.




Richard said...

Maybe it meant to say Home Sweet Home but got lost in the translation?

Suzan said...

Who is Pocari and what makes his sweat so special that it is for sale?