Wednesday, March 2, 2011

warning: this blog posting may cause nausea and vomiting

what this is: 1) muffin top; 2) girl scout cookie, twizzler, peanut butter, frappuchino repository.
what this isn't: 1) swimsuit model stomach; 2) six pack

sunday night i went to a pajama oscar party with a few of my beautiful, terrific and hilarious friends. we became incredibly wicked and vilified every celebrity on the show except for colin firth - he's flawless. so is robert downey jr. and hugh jackman and justin timberlake and javier bardem.

i've been busy since arriving in dallas - cleaning (i don't think my house-sitter knows what a vacuum cleaner is); walking the dogs; more cleaning (previous mentioned house-sitter has also never met a toilet brush or a mop or bleach or windex); going to the doctor (i refuse to locate and visit doctors in the uae); and having dinner with friends. monday, i asked my dentist if he could remove my wisdom teeth so that i could lose 10 lbs (see pic of love handles above) - he refused (lousy b*stard). my skin doctor cut a chunk out of my foot yesterday and today i'm hoping to get another kiss from my lady parts doctor (he's a very friendly sort).

the idols kind of suck this year. and steven tyler looks a bit like someone's grandma. how much purple eye shadow is too much? someone should find out and inform jennifer lopez.

ok; i've gotta run. more mundane day-in-the-life of tricia b*llshit later.


1 comment:

BigSister said...

So then, . . . have we NOW learned how much purple eyeshadow is too much? And for the record, I was wearing green eyeliner. For mardi gras, you know.