Monday, April 4, 2011


i've been trying to finish this blog entry for a couple of days now, but our internet connection is moody and is being a bit contrary. in the words of kanye west, 'you should be honored by my lateness'.

friday night, jeff and i went on a dhow dinner cruise. i think the word 'dinner' in this instance is an under statement. our meal was an 11 course gluttonous spread. there were huge bowls of nuts and dates, a mezze platter, assorted hors d'ouevres, lobster tail, taters, hammour, a huge pasta casserole and that wasn't even the main course. jeff and i put the feed-bag on and did our best to pack it in, but failed miserably. there weren't a lot of people in attendance - an old dude who grunted a lot, a group of muslim women with a very unhappy baby and three muslim teenagers celebrating a birthday. this is a picture of the boat (a little dark):

we took some more shots (at the end of the blog) of the city from the boat, but they're a bit lacking. i have the tiniest camera in the world and it is apparently afraid of the dark.

saturday, our search for the best rooftop bar continued and we cabbed out to the holiday inn to hit the 'thirty 1st' pool deck. the drinks were fruity, the nuts plentiful and the view full of construction cranes. here are a couple of shots:

the building below is still under construction; i'm not sure what its going to be other than crooked:

buying groceries here continues to be a struggle. jeff and i had to go to four stores to find tortilla chips. there isn't a store in a 5k radius of the apartment that has any. and mr. sanders apprently needs his nacho fix. i've been told that if you find a product here that you like, you should buy all of it because it may not make another appearance. asking a store employee for help can be quite an excruciating encounter day i tried to explain to a staff member at carrefour what a crouton was; he led me to the toilet paper aisle. um, ok. thank you for being so accommodating.

going to doha this weekend so expect more pictures of bar scenery.

ok; i'm off to ride the bike; still trying to fight pile of pudge on my mid-section.


more pics of the dhow cruise - this is the 'abu dhabi theater':

dark view of the city:

inside of the boat:

1 comment:

Suzan said...

So is showing at the 'abu dhabi theater' - it looks like a space ship.