Tuesday, April 5, 2011

anything but 'net

i've had nothing but internet woes today and have realized that i'm incapable of entertaining myself. if i've lost the ability to email my friends or download reading material on ibooks or watch bad sitcoms on hulu, i'm at a loss. yes, i have met a couple of women to hang out with from time to time, but those opportunities are random (once a week) at best. i'm an attention deficit individual and not much holds my focus for very long. hence the slight addiction to flashy, trashy websites, sparkly url's and ads for new needless crap on sephora.

one of the many bullsh*t restrictions here is that lots of websites are blocked. so to get to youtube or skype or netflix (and many others), i have to have a vpn client. no problem - i've had one since i left the states. well, yesterday the apartment building (which controls our access to the world wide web) changed the settings so that any time a connection to a vpn is made, they shut down the internet connection.

i feel a tantrum coming on . . .

1 comment:

Hadji said...

They know not with whom they are dealing. Just sayin'.