Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ladies who lunch . . .

yep; that would be me -- a lady (used very loosely) who lunches (also something i don't partake of often).

see? i do have friends! yesterday, had lunch with some girls from 'awn' at this cafe in the fetouh al khair centre. i totally don't remember the name of the restaurant though (but they made a mean smoothie and lentil soup). the ladies; however, i do remember and they are:  from left to right - stella from germany via denver, nancy from iowa (i think iowa is right), shiela the runner from england (manchester area), renee the corporate trainer from wisconsin and me!

while we were there i actually ran into two other women i had met a couple of weeks ago at an abu dhabi ladies coffee (yes, there is an overabundance of coffees here); this is janice and colina from canada:

although i'm not much of a lunch eater (i prefer to eat half a dozen handfuls of peanut butter filled pretzels - that doesn't count as lunch, does it?), it was good to get out and widen my circle of friends. the ladies told stories of how you can have clothing made here for less than 75 dirhams (about $20 usd). textile shops abound (althought in peeking in the windows of these places, the fabrics look a little wild for my tastes). but nancy assurred me that lovely simple fabrics can be located and once you've cleared this hurdle, you just pop over to one of many tailors (orchid tailor is the preferred one) and they'll magically create you a new posh frock. so hopefully once i return to the land of sand (i'm still pondering an open-ended stay in big d), we're all going textile shopping. oh, and there will be pictures my friends.

alright, gotta run fetch some other random, elusive product for mr. sanders. he likes giving me these assignments so i'll feel like i have purpose.


1 comment:

Suzan said...

I am looking forward to your suggestions for clothing open-ended will your stay be?