Sunday, April 10, 2011


its weird to travel just one hour and be in another country especially after having lived in the states for so long. particularly texas since one can drive for 10 hours and still be in texas.

we left for doha tuesday afternoon and got to the airport early so that we could see about signing up for the 'e-gate system'. the e-gate card is supposed to allow you to breeze through customs and immigration faster and is supposedly somehow tied to a new credit card that jeff applied for (specifically for that purpose). but the card had not arrived yet and the geniuses at e-gate haven't worked out the kinks. so, we didn't get the card and opted instead to visit the hippopotamus bar. the hippo is the one on the right:

btw, it was a fart-free day at the abu dhabi airport on tuesday, at least in terminal 3.

people here in the mid-east are obsessed with fair skin. there are entire aisles in the hypermarkets full of 'fair & lovely' and skin-whitening products. and tanning salons are non-existent. i just think its ironic since the sun is a force to be reckoned with in the desert. the ex-pats here outnumber the locals; i'm wondering if a tanning salon would be a good money-maker. speaking of extreme, crispy tanning, i got a little burned on the beach a couple of days ago and i have a white line across my belly where the giant roll of fat is. its quite attractive. but no matter how much you beg, i'm not posting another picture of my stomach.

that scrawny chick who is all over the e! channel was talking the other day about how she has 'pit fat'. oh, c'mon. she looks like a daddy long-legs with cricket arms. the only fat on her is her giant head. i really like guiliana; i do. she just needs to be smacked for calling herself fat.

that's all for now. i'm still having internet problems (even here at the intercontinental); it took an hour to upload the pic above.

more later with hopefully pics from the waqif souk.


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