Saturday, May 21, 2011

feline friends

can't remember if i've mentioned before the cat that lives outside our building. the name i've given her is musaffah; i call her 'mu' for short. there are no male parts displayed anywhere on her body, so i'm pretty sure its a girl.

last night jeff and i continued our 'al markaziyah' neighborhood pub crawl and went to 'cloud nine' at the sheraton. the local rag bills this place as a 'gorgeous cigar bar with soothing jazz -- never busy'. that was an understatement (the 'never busy' part -- the place was like 'myspace' - totally uninhabited). we had to track down a waitress of unknown nationality to take our order. sometimes, i think we're the only uae couple that wants to have an afternoon aperitif.

i had a caipirinha (for the first time) which sucked and was totally not what i expected. don't remember and don't care what jeff had originally (which probably sucked too), so we moved onto mai tais. bingo! dead, smoky cigar bar instantly morphs into hawaii. mai tais make americans hungry, so we stumbled down the stairs to 'bravo' to gorge ourselves on tapas. the tapas were also deficient, so we had more mai tais to relieve the pain. i'm not as comfortable as other bloggers in taking random pictures of people eating, so i didn't get but one shot. boring, right? who cares who's eating what and where? i don't. this blog sucks.

today we went to the al diar capital hotel to visit the 'rock bottom cafe' and 'mardi gras' - again in search of an afternoon cocktail and bar food. both places were fairly empty, but rock bottom received jeff's stamp of approval for their spicy fajitas. and mardi gras because they let him smoke his smelly cuban cigar.

barney and friends are coming to abu dhabi. i'm so excited. i met the guy in the barney suit about 15 years ago; the nicest dinosaur impersonator i've ever encountered.

for some reason, there are not many commercials here, but loads of commercial time. so they'll just run the same one over and over again. on a 1-10 scale of annoying, its about a 47. i've seen the samsung smart tv commercial 7 times in the last 45 minutes.

on a more somber note, everyone knew it would happen sooner or later - jeff is leaving me tonight. seriously. my tears are destroying my laptop as i write this. i guess this means i don't have to stay here any longer.

gotta run,



Hadji said...

Okay, it a "not American" thing to eat/drink later in the day than we do here in the Good Ol' U.S. of A like it is in Latin American countries where it's 150 degrees in the shade by 10AM and no one eats dinner until 10PM?

B. Has Jeff lost his mind?!? I personally approved this union. I'll not have my record sullied. Where is he? He does know he'll see me in a few months and have to answer to this affront, right?

Okay, enough from me...I've been drinking and setting off bug bombs in Rachel's soon to be room.

Suzan said...

Not nice to play with your friends like that...