Sunday, May 22, 2011

ramen is universal

jeff is out of town tonight (he didn't really leave me . . . yet. and i apologize if anyone bought that tiny little fib. jeff would never leave me cause i'd hunt him down and sever some extremities so he'd never have another girlfriend in his life. that sounded harsh, didn't it. truly, jeff would never leave me cause he knows i'd be lost without him). anyway, he's in riyadh where there is no alcohol at all. but he's working until midnight so he wouldn't have a chance to imbibe anyway. SO, since i'm all alone, i'm having ramen soup for dinner. classy, huh? but truly, this is a remarkably better class of ramen soup. there are 5 - FIVE different little packages of unidentifiable bits and goo inside the wrapper. what is bambu sauce? don't care; i'm eating it.

perhaps its weird to take pictures of food. i think no. i might have been a food stylist in my previous life.

prior to my gourmet dinner of ramen (with twizzlers for dessert - yes, i know. all this organic, health food is going to send my body into shock), i wandered the mall and lunched at ''shakespeare & co.' at the central market souk with my lady friends -- sherry (newbie) from oregon, janice from montreal (who is leaving here FOREVER at the end of june), renee (soon to join the ranks of the employed, simply to make the rest of us look lazy), stella (who is going back to colorado for the summer), sheila (also leaving me here alone during the summer) and rania from jacksonville (probably leaving soon too). everyone is leaving (and this kind of p*sses me off :-)). i can't be here alone; jeff doesn't count.

the most productive part of my day was spent at a zumba! class this evening. zumba is kind of an aerobic, salsa and merengue, dancy exercise class and this one was outside on the pool deck at the crowne plaza. i was hesitant to go at first cause i move like an old white woman and look fairly silly trying to shake my hips like beyonce. but it seriously kicked my butt and i'm hoping it will give me the figure of a 10-year-old thai boy. 

my laptop just had a bsod and died. maybe its trying to tell me to shut the h3ll up.

ok; i'm going now. tomorrow, i'm off to doha for the week.

love and future, tiny, tight rear ends,

tricia the sweathog

1 comment:

Suzan said...

What is doha and why are you going there?