Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wake up infidels!

todays call to prayer occurred at approximately 4:17am. which woke me up. which is why i'm writing so early. i have questions about this loud, angry-sounding speaker:

1) is he angry because he is the first one up every day?

which begs another question:

2) is the adhan ("call to prayer" - look at me!! i'm learning arabic words!!!) a recording or an actual live person?

3) do the muslims have a time limit (after the initial adhan summons) to locate their prayer rug (or the nearest mosque) or does the first call act as their alarm clock?

4) are the muslims allowed a quick starbucks run before they have to wake up and pray?

i found this on wikipedia:

الصلاة خير من النوم

which translates to:

"as-salatu khayru min an-nawm"

which is recited only during the first 'ctp' (my new abbreviation since i havent had any caffeine yet and i'm bored of typing 'call to prayer').

which means:
"salat (prayer, worship) is better than sleep"
these people have probably never experienced ambien sleep.

because they have 'ctp' five times a day, this makes me wonder why they have to constantly be reminded that 'there is only one god' (recited 3 times during each ctp) and 'god is the greatest' (recited 6 times during ctp). maybe buddha is the greatest; they'll never know. there is no ability here to learn about other faiths; sounds pretty restrictive to me.

i also read on wiki that uae muslim women are forbidden to marry men of 'the book' (of christian or jewish faith). its considered fornication and is punishable by law. however, uae muslim men can marry whomever they want. that sounds incredibly fair.

when i was at the sky lounge at the frankfurt airport a few days ago, i had scoped out a quiet place in one of the corners so i could try to sleep and also not unleash my grouchy self upon any other human. but some muslim guy (maybe he was of another faith; i'm no expert) snuck over into my area, laid out his prayer rug and proceeded to forcefully shout his prayers. maybe he figured me for a non-believer and was trying to get his point across. at any rate, giving him the evil eye didn't seem to phase him at all so i vacated the area while mumbling 'butthead' under my breath.

yesterday i spent 45 minutes trying to juggle. i was not successful (but was sweaty after that amount of time dropping those stupid little balls). where is a professional 'flaming idiot' when you need one?

in an effort to get back to the baking, i made a 7-up cake yesterday. when i was little, my grandmother always had one of these available for consumption at every gathering. they were heavenly and we lavished praise on her for creating this delicious dessert. after she passed away, i found out that she never made these herself; it was one of her friends that was the 7-up cake queen. i think grandmas are only supposed to lie about the easter bunny and santa claus; i'm still crushed. my cake didn't look anywhere near as perfect as the ones i remember from my childhood. but jeff insists that its pretty tasty.

ok; i've rambled enough. i'll step off my pontifical soapbox too.

from the hot land of sand,



Suzan said...

If you opened a starbucks in or around every mosque, you could be a riding around in a limo like the Kardshains or the royals...is caffine allowed??

Tricia said...

oh yeah. they love their caffeine here. arabic coffee is huge - well actually, it comes in tiny little cups. but i think during ramadan, most restaurants (including starbucks) will be closed.