Saturday, July 30, 2011


i think all my postings this week will be about pee (or dead mice) - i'm doing my best to be offensive and alienate the few readers i have.

i'm hanging out at home tonight listening to the dogs snore cause i have a uti and don't want to stray far from my own personal porcelain god.

loud cow:

there is absolutely nada on the idiot box on friday night. so i "demanded" through fios "the adjustment bureau" which reminds me of this really old 'twilight zone' with little blue men that live between the minutes of life and alter people's actions -- one of my favorite twilight zones ever.

i love movies shot (or pretended to be shot) in new york - they always make the city look so dreamy and fantastic (which it IS - but i haven't been there in so long i've almost forgotten).

found the dead mouse from the last post - well, it turns out cassie found it and i didn't know that important fact, so the exterminator showed up today and i made him search the hot attic anyway.

i've been curious lately if everything happens for a reason - jobs you get; chance encounters; accidents. like if you didn't do the thing you had planned to do on a specific day; or took a different route to work; or stopped at a different starbucks - would that change your life?

my ass cat (that may sound dirty, but it isn't), newman . . .

. . . just brought me another small, furry, dead present. i hate this cat and his lame, smelly presents.

i'm thinking about upping my debt ceiling - wonder how citibank will feel about that?

20 days until i return to a.d.


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