Tuesday, August 2, 2011

p to the 3 (in keeping with the p theme)

10 15 16 desires for monday (not in order of preference):

1) pancakes (short stack with peanut butter)
2) hair extensions
3) a closer relationship with my daughter
4) cooler weather
5) daisy to see better
6) a cure for cancer
7) some quality time with jeff
8) a purpose to my day other than slurping frappuchinos and entertaining my bitches
9) dems and reps to realize that our current economic issues are not the fault of one administration
10) a sleep number bed
11) fat free fettucini alfredo, tiramisu, queso and marble slab ice cream
12) financial health and security for all my friends
13) no regrets
14) a rainy day
15) more courage
16) the ability to do one thing really well

yesterday audrey and i attended the 'dallas bridal show'. side note: brian, i apologize. audrey didn't make it to the house on saturday when i thought she was on her way. i should have had you swing by on your way back to cherokee county and am sorry we didn't get to hang and have a drink or two. i actually never made it off the couch. anyway, i've never been to the bridal show and it was pretty cool; although some of the vendors are kind of aggressive and really want you to buy a tuxedo or a paradise vacation. they wouldn't allow cameras in market hall (um, why?) so i took a crappy pic of audrey outside of the venue (its too dark, but i'm posting it anyway cause you can sort of see how lovely she looks - actually after playing with it a little in microsoft picture manager, it looks better!!!):

my one and only child is getting married in october and here's a pic of her and the love of her life, juan on their wedding page (i think she's kind of giving him a mischevious look):

last night was my quarterly book club get-together. we DO actually spend time talking about the book and not just guzzling wine. here's a pic of what i refer to as the book club divas (minus laura and plus neve):

today has been a quiet day (cause the uti continues -- is that too much info?); only left the house to take the dogs out, get a frappuchino (perhaps i shouldn't be having frappuchinos), take the dogs out again and go to wal-mart. the only reason i went to wal-mart (as opposed to a normal grocery store) is because they have peanut butter filled pretzels, and i love watching the people there.

enough rambling.

tomorrow is 'boozeday tuesday' (according to tristan).

hot, sweaty love from texas,


p.s. - just bent down to kiss the dog's nose and she burped in my face; happens EVERY time.

1 comment:

Suzan said...

Tried to find the wedding website to see more photos - could not find it......