Monday, July 25, 2011


i know there: is almost nothing more painful than when you need to pee and can't (like on the way home tonight from cantina laredo). other things i know:

--- i love, love, love my beautiful child, husband and awesome, amazing friends. i am so fortunate to have people in my life that make me feel truly special and wanted. i know this sounds cheesy, but there are moments where i'm 'bursting' (for lack of a better word) with emotion for the people in my life.

--- i drink too much, but fortunately, i'm (mostly) a friendly, happy drunk.

--- i really like sitting on the floor with the pets (dogs especially) and rubbing their bellies - nothing says unconditional love like having fat, smelly dogs beg for more affection and nuzzle your neck.

--- i hate when people don't like me for whatever reason. i try so hard to be nice (most of the time) and people who don't get that truly suck.

--- i really dislike driving anywhere and would really appreciate it if someone could procure me a chaffeur (not sure if i spelled that right).

--- i think life can change in an instant and we all should appreciate every day more.

--- i think bald men are under-appreciated.

--- i think you can never have too many friends (facebook or otherwise).

--- these people are my best friends from last week:

--- i think i have the best in-laws ever.

--- i think i need to see some ex-centex people very soon.

--- i think these are some of the most beautiful women i've ever seen:

 --- besta freeeeeeeeend:

--- besta shoes evea:

--- omg; this is a great picture of some not-drunk girlfriends:

--- trivia geniuses (gw - we could have used your smarts):

--- stupidity:

life is good.



Suzan said...

you are right - life is good!

BigSister said...

you're an angel, tricia. love you.