Wednesday, August 31, 2011

dubai revisited

jeff and i are off to dubai again this weekend as he has 4 days off for the eid mubarak holiday. then its back to work -- for both of us! yes, i'm counting down until i start work on sunday. funemployment is over! a couple of days ago, i got up early to take a test-ride on the bus to see what time i'd need to catch it every morning and also make sure i am getting on the right one. i definitely got on the right bus, but started way too late. i went downstairs at 6:49 and waited for 20 minutes before the #52 bus showed up. by that time, i was sweating like a pig (do pigs actually sweat?). and it took almost an hour to get to the school. so i'm going to have to start a bit earlier if i want to be a model employee and not show up late and sweaty every day.

last night we went to vincent's - jeff's favorite cigar bar in the crowne plaza. they've been closed the entire month of ramadan. we had drinks with jeff's co-worker, who i'll call "md". "md" has been happily married for 20ish years and has two kids. he resides here and his family lives back in the states. he travels back to see them about every 3 months. while sipping cocktails last night, he informed jeff and i how difficult it is to rebuff the advances of prostitutes here. in his words: "it's really hard!! they're all so hot!!!" um, ok, mr. douchebag. i wasn't very fond of "md" before, but now i like him even less. who makes that kind of statement?

alright; gotta run. next post i should have pics of dubai. we're going to go to the top of the burj khalifa - the tallest building in the world. hopefully there won't be a sandstorm and the visibility will be good.

missing my pals in the states,


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