Wednesday, September 7, 2011

you know you're old when . . .

. . . the word "senior" starts to appear frequently in your spam folder. just saying. apparently, i'm days away from being elderly.

i started my job on sunday as the high school secretary at an american school. i'm trying to recall if i was this annoying when i was 16 (i'm thinking its not even remotely possible). when did kids become so needy? maybe we/they always were -- its 'me, me, me' all the time (they obviously haven't yet realized that its all about me). and the parents are way worse. this particular school is segregated -- boys' classes on one side of the building; girls' on the other. there was an assembly today for the seniors, and the gym in which it was held was divided (almost) in half by a curtain that hung from floor to ceiling. the speaker stood on the stage where he could see and address the kids on both sides of this obnoxious drapery. in keeping with the sexual sequestering, the teens had to depart through different doors -- only to see each other in the courtyard on their way back to class - makes perfect sense. the uae is all about separating the sexes and imho, i believe they think they're solving some sort of problem when they're just creating one for themselves. in the newspapers, there are frequent reported cases of homosexual relationships -- and those participating are imprisoned then deported. perhaps, if they just let people be, they'd save money in the prison system. 

the kardashians are on gma - i really think their 15 seconds of fame should be finished by now.

working is really exhausting - i can't believe how lazy and sedentary i had become. i'm going to pour myself a glass of wine and put my feet up -- right after i've made jeff's dinner and done a load of laundry.



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