Friday, August 12, 2011

good dental hygiene

my vet told me the dogs would live longer if i started brushing their teeth. personally, i don't want them to live any longer than they normally would, but figured it wouldn't hurt if their breath didn't smell like ass (or in lindy's case - cat pooh), so i broke out the roasted chicken flavored tootpaste this morning and went to work.

the other night i was driving home and saw the advertisement below on the back of a car (if any guys are reading this, you may need to go grab a glass of scotch, a cigar and a playboy in order to retain some of your testosterone):

"Celebrating the Change from Girlhood to Womanhood"

yes, there seems to be a small culture which has 'menarche parties' (or 'red parties') to celebrate this rite of passage. um, what? why? how do and when do men celebrate 'becoming a man'? gentlemen, i'd like to know what this entails - details please after finishing your cigar.

picked up my world traveller daughter from the airport on tuesday where we immediately converged on the nearest mexican food restaurant in order to have our random margarita fix. montreal apparently begets big smiles:

last night, i went to a divey bar with my emergency backup boyfriend and some girls that i graduated high school with; we all look exactly the same. we do, really:

emergency backup boyfriend:

today i'm going to immerse myself in culture by attending two plays. there will be pics, if i'm allowed to take them. and tomorrow - wedding dress shopping!



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