Sunday, August 14, 2011


today i went wedding gown shopping with the lovely audrey. its very surreal to be doing this, cause even though i'm kind of an old woman now, there are times i feel like i'm too young to have a child who is getting married. audrey and juan's wedding is not going to be a major formal affair, so we weren't looking for the 'big, white dress' (something shorter and more retro). but once you're in those bridal stores, its hard not to get sucked into all that tulle and satin. i even talked her into trying on one of the cinderella gowns and she agreed it was stunning. i wanted to just buy one to have at home, you know, in case i want to put it on and lie around on the chaise like a princess or something.

here's what we bought - its being shortened to right about knee length (juan -- i don't think you read my blog, but if you do, stop right here cause you're not supposed to see this yet):

the pictures don't do this dress justice -- its absolutely stunning (especially on audrey). and the belt is not part of the dress, but it was a MAGIC belt. the girl helping us added the belt to about half of the dresses and it practically transformed them. audrey is the tiniest little thing and this dress makes her look like she needs a bigger butt (i totally mean this in a good way). truly, once she tried this one on, we had trouble finding anything else that came close.

as i mentioned in my last post, yesterday i got 'cultured up' at two live stage productions. the first was a children's theater matinee with the captivating 8-year-olds, jude and zoe pryor. jude was hysterical as a very southern security guard and zoe (in the gold sequins) was relentlessly charming as 'artemis the goddess of the hunt'. a very professional and entertaining performance for the twins.

and last night i saw "seven's a crowd" starring the beguiling rachel brownjohn (who made out with some dude on-stage, right there in front of her dad and everything). i forgot to take pics, but will post a pic of talented rachel before i depart the lone star state.

and now for my stupid commentary on pop-culture:

1) something is really wrong with the moms on "toddler's & tiaras" -- i'm just saying.
2) tiger who? what a moron. retire from swinging the 5 iron. you suck now.
3) what is with the obsession with giant, fat eyelashes? i'm gonna make a new mascara and call it 'extremely obese, high-blood-pressure lash'. i bet no-one will buy it.
4) reality tv has gotten out of hand - there is a new show called "hillbilly handfishing" where people (rednecks) catch catfish by putting their hand in murky lake water and shoving it in the mouth of an unsuspecting fish. what they do after that is anybody's guess.
5) um, i got nothing else that's even remotely amusing. i was trying to come up with 5, but the ambien is kicking in.

count-down to dallas departure - 5 days left y'all. i miss my husband (his name is jeff, i think).

tomorrow, i promise to be funny, witty, unexpected and engaging.



Suzan said...

I LOVE the dress! She look beautiful! Maybe you can make some wedding shoes for her out of Zoe's dress....

Anonymous said...

I'd buy any mascara you developed because it would be the coolest mascara EVER!

L-O-V-E the dress! Audrey needs the magic belt.

Think of missing Jeff as your own personal Ramadan...Husband Fasting. We could create a reality tv show. Really.

