Wednesday, August 17, 2011


i was going to get up this morning and do push ups, but I forgot. exercise is such an important start to the day -- someone else's day perhaps, but not mine. as i was glancing at my side view in the mirror multiple times today (and wondering when the flab started to nest in new places), i pondered on when my arms started to get so meaty. wonder if plastic surgeons do something like a "beefy arm tuck" or a "general area pit-suck".

last night i hung out (at "asian mint" - yum!) with some old friends from centex homes (the friends aren't old; centex is - centex is dead actually, but that's another story). these are my friends who taught me how to handle a weapon (which is not a secret code phrase for some sexual maneuver). we didn't get to 'the range' (i can talk gun talk now) during this trip to the states, but next time we're going and taking jeff with us (and i'm going to try really hard not to shoot him accidentally). 

dazzling deb and uncle willy (centex only hired really good-looking people):

today i wiled away the afternoon at the "o t tavern" where the pulchritudinous rachel tends bar (look at me using really big words). rachel is the soon-to-be famous chicago actress who (or is it whom?) i saw (making out with a guy) in a play last week. picture as promised (of rachel shaking her, um, jigger-thingie):

i was joined for cocktails by joost, heidi and suzan -- drinking in the afternoon is fun for adults! (i use that term loosely):

kids too! t-man and carey-girl (whose cat is an attorney):

this evening i had dinner (at "fireside pies" - yum!) with some girls i worked with about 20 years ago (when i was 10). we worked for an advertising agency (that no longer exists) and hawked 'wolfbrand chili' at what used to be known as 'starplex'. we did other stuff too, but that was the gist of it -- selling chili.

lisa the lovely and mary, who is now a broker (or is it day trader?) and who is making money at home while lounging in her pajamas (i totally made that part up):

seems like all i do is eat while i'm here in dallas; well, that, and consume calorie-free alcohol.

ok; its late and i need to take an ambien, try to sleep, then take another ambien in an hour.

two days till dallas departure.


temporary texas tricia

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