Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ramadan is the awesomest thing eva!

is that sacreligious? i certainly don't mean it to be. however, i can't imagine what it would be like in the united states if we forced certain customs of a specific religion onto each denizen. perhaps 'forced' is the incorrect descriptor to use. but there are particular aspects of ramadan that can be difficult to circumnavigate. for instance (and this is going to totally sound like i'm whining - which i kind of am) - this morning, i took a leisurely walk (already unbearably hot out at 6:45am) to one of the local neighborhood starbucks only to find it closed with no posting as to what it's ramadan hours are. still craving a frosty caffeinated beverage, i continued on from there to the dunkin' donuts which was also closed, but had a sign informing patrons it would be open at 11am. now, in dire need of some blended coffee and sugar, i walked to costa coffee -- also closed. grumpiness ensued.

if anyone is unfamiliar with the term ramadan, it is the 9th month of the islamic calendar in which participating muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and sex with their partners during daylight hours. so what this means to non-muslims is that starbucks is closed, among other things. actually most businesses are closed from about 1pm until 8pm. also, its disrespectful and one can be arrested for consuming food, drink or gum in public during daylight hours. i truly don't have a problem following this rule, i just need my daily frappuchino fix. in the evening at approximately 7:15, muslims break their fast with a meal called 'iftar' and from what i've been told, consume food until the wee hours of the morning when they subsequently pass out from exhaustion and eating too much fattoush. ramadan concludes at the end of the month and is followed by eid - a festival that marks the culmination of the holy month.

seriously, although i'm not fasting, i'm trying to spend this time reflecting on the good in my life (audrey, jeff, friends, fame, fortune :-)).

ok, rant over. back to random, snarky comments about whatever pops into my head.

btw, i got a job today! yep, i applied for a secretarial position at an international school and the principal pretty much hired me on the spot -- i start on 9/4. now i have a purpose! i'm counting down to the end of my lady of leisure hours by putting in more time lying about in my fat pants.

i have a whole lot more to talk about, and pics of my last night in dallas to post, but right now, 'bachelor pad 2' beckons on my slingbox.


no-longer-a-laundress tricia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What are the hours? ;o)Which school?

I'm also showing solidarity by not fasting either.

