Wednesday, August 24, 2011


a couple of days ago, i went to the grocery store in far, far away land (marina mall) to buy butter (renee), search for buttermilk and purchase other items in order to make the best cake in the world (thanks suzan!). and as usual, i bought more than i could actually carry (without looking like an ailing hunchback). instead of taking the bus back to the apartment with my perishables, i opted for a taxi. on the way home, the cab driver slammed on the brakes (a very common occurrence) and the eggs went flying into and under the back of his seat -- he's lucky he didn't get beaned with a yolk. i was a little annoyed, but figure in a few days time he'll be sorry and regretful when his floor mats begin emit an offensive smell. the search for buttermilk was fruitless in that i didn't find any and didn't know the arabic word for it -- which is 'laban' (for those if you who might be shopping for buttermilk in the middle east some time soon).

as mentioned in my last post, here are the pics from my 'last supper' in big d:

smiling, sexy southern gals (so happy to see me departing the states):

bill (who looks rather fetching in his dunce (or is it a wizard?) hat and t-man:

some of the gang:

the title of my blog means the following (for anyone who was wondering): 'this doesn't mean a thing but it confuses people like you'. it doesn't really have an intelligent point except it is a lead-in for my boycott against the acronym 'lol'. i think 'lol' doesn't really mean 'laughing out loud' anymore -- i think its what people say when they're tired of texting, talking, emailing, etc. basically, your friends are telling you 'shut up; you're not funny; i'm not laughing (silently or out loud) and i'm done with this moronic conversation'.

tomorrow jeff and i are headed to atlantis (the islands in dubai that are shaped like a palm tree). jeff's plan is to push me off the tallest water slide in the world for our 10th anniversary. there will be photos, so he won't get away with it.

good night pals,



BigSister said...

Miss you Tricia! I think you can make buttermilk with regular milk and vinegar??? Sounds delish, right?

Wish you were here to make me some cake. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Agreed BigSister, milk & vinegar. It's on the world-wide-inter-web so it must be true.

Why is my kid "drinking" beer? really I AM laughing outloud. Just ask my tipsy son.



Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Remember he can't push you, if you push him first! ;o)