Sunday, November 13, 2011

fruit bribe

i mistakenly updated my iphone to ios5 while in dallas and now it doesn't work in the sandbox. i've read countless articles for hours on end on how i can only roll back to an earlier version if i saved my 'shsh blobs' ahead of time. i think they meant to say 'shit blobs'. i've learned more about iphones and the @sshole developers at apple than i care to know.

because some random chick tried to take my starbucks grande, non-fat, no-whip mocha frappuchino on friday and my phone doesn't work, i transformed into meltdown mode yesterday (yes, my husband is so lucky). so jeff went out and bought me this:

what a total jerk, right?

is bianna golodryga pregnant? her upper self above the desk on gma looks a little swollen.

rick perry is an idiot and is making texas look bad.

i went back to work today and it wasn't all bad. people actually missed me - raging bitch that i am. and it was an early release day so i got to leave at 1:30. there are definitely some positive aspects of working for a school.

i almost just set the oven on fire with a baked potato.

the snot has finally vacated my head.

its finally cooled off here.

i want a baby.

gotta run.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you quit upgrading your tech stuff, you'd be a happy Luddite like me.

I have a kid, so I don't really get to watch news. Especially in the morning.

Perry has been doing that for years, now it's just on a national and possibly global stage.

Of course they missed you! You're fabulous! And yes...working for a school can be very cool.

Go mashed.

I found your snot. It's in my head.

It's warming up here. 82 today.

No you don't. You'd never get to watch GMA.

Miss you.

