Saturday, April 30, 2011

muslim to mormon

muslim (i have no idea who these people are - i pulled this pic from

Abu Dhabi Photos

mormon (dad, deaun and emily):

i spent the last couple of days in utah where you can only buy alcohol at the state liquor store. this is the only similarity I can find in the muslim and mormon faith. they both obviously have something against fermented grapes. i don't understand this thinking - it's just distinguished old fruit!

thursday was a 'breadwinners' dinner with girls from a job i had 15 years ago. i'm so fortunate to remain friends with co-workers long after our work is done (and in most cases - laid off). this is jolene (rock star hair and shades) and frances ('car chase diva' - that is a story for another time).

the three of us were the detritus of a buy out/shut down of 'delhi gas' many years ago. frances and i were the only two worker bees with some wacked out status of 'hourly-salaried' or some other b.s., so we were the only employees who didn't get severance pay. consequently, we decided to take our seperation dollars in other ways. i'm not sure of the entire list of fabulous items frances confiscated, but i got out of there with a microwave, a  computer, monet's water lillies, a vcr (this was the 90's after all), a computer and more office supplies than 'staples'. good times.

tonight, i was a loser and forgot to take pictures, but it was again an evening of lay-off lament -- of former centex homes buddies; this time, my partners in crime - bridgit, bev and courtney. pizza, margaritas and cake balls (this is my new specialty) were consumed while lindy barked at the tv and newman (cat) massacred two lizards. both reptiles lost their tails which writhed on the kitchen floor even after being separated from their scaly host bodies. incredibly weird; the dogs were unfazed.

exhaustion has set in; sleepy time.


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