Thursday, May 12, 2011

i'm 3 of the 7 dwarfs

so, i left dallas yesterday during the biggest rain storm of the century. which means that american airlines can suck it. met some nice folks in the admiral's club and consumed my weight in bloody marys, but that still didn't make up for the fact that the flight was delayed for so long that i missed my connection in frankfurt. where i still sit . . . 24 hours later. i'm sleepy, dopey and grumpy all at once.

speaking of sleepy, dopey and grumpy (i'll let you figure out who is who):

and here's doc, sneezy and happy:

i've never seen a man cry as much as meat loaf. he needs to man-up and stop whining.

i'm starting to become comatose. think i'll attempt a nap one more time.

auf wiedersehen!

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