Sunday, August 7, 2011

fat naked girls

i figure that title might get your attention. ha! gotcha.


i want some football pants cause they're like bike shorts but looser and i think its a really good look for a woman with a flat ass and a muffin top. wonder if there's a study to see what kind of pants work best with which sport. are the pants supposed to be more aerodynamic cause there's so much running in football? why did basketball shorts get longer? was there a 'janet jackson incident' at some point which precipated this change? yes, i ask the important questions.

in case you haven't heard, there's a new reality show about pippa middleton's posterior -- just keeping you apprised of the latest ridiculous crap to come out of hollywood. plus, because of her sister, the princess, stockings are making a comeback. pantyhose are an instrument of torture created in the 1950's by a man (that figures). at the moment, they'd probably be a good device for weight-loss here in texas, if you enjoy trapping and marinating in your sweat. 

i love back to school time and really want a backpack, a 'trapper keeper' and some #2 pencils.

last night our 'hood to coast' 200 mile relay team conducted the drawing for the ipad2 so graciously donated by william. we're still in the process of raising $15,000 for the american cancer society and are almost at our goal. here's a couple of pics from laura's urban oasis where the prestigious event occurred:

william (mr. uptown):

richard and suzan (the instigators of mayhem):

joost (who is newly 45):

eileen (who just walked the wall of china - really) and tia (maria?):

oh my gosh; i have to go - one of the celebrity tabloid shows is about to tell all about the kardashian (the one with the giant ass) bridal shower and a bachelorette's nose job. gripping tv. how are these people famous (and not me)?

i have a job interview on monday!

108 degree hugs,



Suzan said...

Both Richard and I can clap and hold our beers at the same time.

Tricia said...

you guys are the most talented.